Now that I have a pretty solid archive of posts I get comments on my posts just about everyday. Many of these comments are really helpful. Sometimes they ask for more information to clarify a point I made, sometimes they add some extra resources that I didn't mention, and sometimes they thank me for sharing my opinion or a tutorial. I love those comments because they help everyone. What I don't love are the comments that don't add anything to the conversation. Too many of the comments that come through don't add information they just drop a link for their product.
I've debated on and off what to do about these types of comments. Do I delete them? Do I edit them to remove the link? Do I ban them? All of those seem pretty harsh and I've mostly resisted doing that up till now. A few days ago Chris Lema wrote a post about his policy when it comes to blog comments and that pushed me over the edge to share what I do with my comments.