I'm happy to announce my 7th add-on for Ninja Forms, PDF Form Submissions, is available!
I've been busily making minor improvements to all of my existing Ninja Form add-ons and I haven't had a new plugin announcement for a while. It feels pretty great to release something – especially something that relies on a huge pdf generation library. Best of all, I've made this extension pretty dummy proof. There really aren't any settings you can get wrong. You install it, check a checkbox and you're generating PDFs. You can automate the whole process.
Why Create PDFs?
There's a tendency in larger organizations to love PDFs – and I get it. They're really convenient. They can be opened on just about any device without special software, they're dummy proof & are hard to break, they're more professional looking, and of course they're super easy to share with others.
Actually one of the features that drew me towards Ninja Forms in the first place was the ability to include a CSV of form fields along with the notification email. I've built upon that same functionality and made it a bit more tangible.
Customize Your PDFs
To hit the ground running you just have to check the checkbox in the form settings. Easy as pie. Want to take it a step farther? That's possible too. I specifically chose a PDF generation library that uses HTML & CSS to render the PDF. That makes it really to customize the pdf anyway you want.
To make things even better – I made sure that you can customize the PDFs without having to edit the plugin files. I built in a templating system that allows you to overwrite my template with your own. Have fun customizing the html & css however you please. Add in a logo, change the table color style, or add a disclaimer to the bottom of the pdf. Customize it however you like! 🙂
What's Coming Next
I love Ninja Forms and I like making it more robust. I have two more extensions planned and I plan to keep making it more and more awesome. For now I'll leave you to PDF all the things!
Hi Patrick, love that you made this add on! I have a question though – does this add-on create PDFs that a website user could then download and print, or is it just for the website owner. I am wanting to do something similar to this site > http://allowahdisabilitysupport.org.au/packages/design-your-own-package/ -where you can print the PDF or email it through.
Love the user-experience on your website by the way! Thanks, Ruth 🙂
Hey Ruth,
I no longer maintain the plugin so you should point all questions to Ninja Forms.
As far as I remember it creates a PDF which is attached to the notification email. And an admin can download it from the website.
I hope that helps!
Thanks Patrick! This kind of stuff confuses me so much, so that was helpful 🙂