Patrick's Programming Blog

Leaving Automattic

TLDR; I’m leaving Automattic. My last day will be August 25th. I’ll miss working with this incredible company – mostly because of the incredible people. 🙂

Why I’m Leaving

Let me start with Automattic is the best job I’ve ever had. By far.

Anytime there is a merger or acquisition there’s bound to be some restructuring. And gradually over the last year I did less and less of the things that I like to do.

I don’t know where I’m going or what I’m doing. I just know that I need to be challenged to continue to grow. I’m keen to dig more into product management & product marketing.

Things That Make Me Proud

There are numerous projects at WooThemes / Automattic that I’m really proud of.

I loved developing some of the core functionality in WooCommerce, helping with both WooConfs, I loved helping lead 3 WooCommerce releases, kickstarting our NPS endeavors, writing a bajillion product specs, and then feeling so incredibly good when a product finally gets launched (like Square).

I'm also proud of my meet-a-mattician score of 38% (meaning I've met 38% of Automatticians).


The absolute best part of Automattic is the people and I have some magical memories.

I do want to apologize to anyone I met in the past couple months. I've been thinking really long & hard about this decision to make sure it's not an impulsive decision. But I've been a bit quieter and less energetic than I normally am.

Mark & Magnus

I’ve broken you two out from the rest because you made one decision that drastically changed my life.

It wasn’t just for hiring me at WooThemes but for helping me move to Denver. You gave me a cost of living adjustment so I could continue to work with you and live in a place that I love. My life would be completely different if I didn’t make the move. You drastically increased the happiness I experience every day. It truly was a life changing event.

Thank you.

Thanks to everyone at Automattic. I’m sure I’ll see you around at some point. 🙂

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